If you have reached this page, something is wrong!... We made major revisions to the scoutcpr.org site in late July and early August, 2005. Many pages were revised, some removed and some renamed. One major change was to use the extension .html in place of .htm. You may simply want to change your link to .html first. Note that links should actually be pointed to our domain address http://www.scoutcpr.org. Nearly all of the original material is still here though... Lets see if we can help you find what you were looking for!

The home page for scoutcpr.org is located at: www.scoutcpr.org/index.html Please go here first.

If you are looking for BSA Crew-911, here is the new link: www.scoutcpr.org/Crew911

If you are looking for Wood Badge Course SR637 it is here: SR637.org

If you are looking for The American Red Cross Community Safety Day it is here: www.scoutcpr.org/CSD

Please email us if you are unable to correct the problem: webmaster@scoutcpr.org